1000 Hours Outside Printable Tracker

Have you decided to participate in the 1000 Hours Outside challenge this year? That is amazing! Congrats

The 1000 hours outside challenge is a great way to spend more time with your family and reduce screen time. It motivates families to be more intentional with how (and where) they spend their time. T

But keeping track of your time outside and progress can be hard. That’s why I created the 1000 Hours Outside Tracker and Journal for Families.

1000 Hours Outside Tracker and Journal for Families

The “1000 Hours Outside Tracker and Journal for Families” is a specially crafted journal designed to motivate families to engage in nature, helping them achieve a goal of 1000 hours outside. It includes a 1000-hour outdoor printable tracker, a valuable tool for documenting and tracking outdoor activities, fostering exploration, and bonding with the environment.

What is included in this journal?

  • Weekly Outdoor Journal – 52 Weeks: This section provides 52 entries, enabling detailed documentation of each hike or outdoor activity. The journal includes a weekly chart, allowing you to record various aspects of your experiences, turning each outing into a learning adventure.
  • Yearly and Monthly Hour Trackers: These trackers, integral parts of the “1000 hours outside tracker,” assist in setting and achieving outdoor goals. They are designed to include all outdoor activities, contributing to the overarching goal of 1000 hours outside throughout the year. They are a motivational tool to monitor progress throughout the year and include a “1000 hours outside printable tracker” for easy recording.
  • Inspiring Nature Quotes: The journal is interspersed with motivational quotes from renowned naturalists and authors, intended to deepen the family’s connection with nature.

It’s only USD $6.99 (or $7.99 CAD) and it has more than 120 pages.

1000 Hours Outside Printable: Key Features

  • Durable, travel-friendly design, including a “1000 hours outside tracker,” suitable for various outdoor activities.
  • Space for personal reflections, sketches, and observations.

1000 Hours Outside Printable: Benefits:

  • Strengthens family bonds through shared experiences in nature
  • Cultivates a love for nature and outdoor activities in children.

This journal, featuring the “1000 hours outside printable” components, is more than a tracking tool; it is a guide for a year-long journey of growth, discovery, and fun, enabling families to create and cherish lifelong memories.

Sneak Peek at the 1000 Hours Outside Journal