Emilie from Love Life Abroad | Content Creator

Hi! I’m Emilie, the content creator behind Love Life Abroad (and lovelife_abroad on Instagram). I create engaging and unique content for products. I specialize in outdoor gear brands and sustainable brands. I create content both in English and French.

product collaboration examples

Examples of Past Collaborations

Collaboration with Saguaro Shoes

Product review blog post | Instagram Reel | Instagram Reel | Licensed images

Thank you for your work, and we are happy to see the article published successfully.

Featured article on Love Life Abroad
– Social Media Promotion (Instagram)

In collaboration with Saguaro Shoes, we wrote a detailed review of their barefoot shoes for families. After two months, the article is ranking on the first page of Google and is bringing conversion to Saguaro Shoes. We also created a short-form video for Instagram that received great impressions and engagement.

product collaboration examples more


SAGUARO Shoes have amazing colors and designs
SO many reasons to love SAGUARO barefoot shoes


Thank you for your work, and we are happy to see the article published successfully.

Featured article on Love Life Abroad
– Social Media Promotion (Instagram)

In collaboration with Saguaro Shoes, we wrote a detailed review of their barefoot shoes for families. After two months, the article is ranking on the first page of Google and is bringing conversion to Saguaro Shoes. We also created a short-form video for Instagram that received great impressions and engagement.


They are sooo cute – Thank you very much for your creations!

Short-form videos for Morrison Outdoors marketing (UGC)
– Social Media Promotion (Instagram)

In collaboration with Morrison Outdoors, I created two short-form videos (Reel-style) for the brand to use for their own marketing assets.I also created a short-form video for Instagram that received great impressions and engagement.

the kids are relaxing by the fire in their Morrison Outdoors sleeping bags
my son enjoying the hammock in his Morrison Outdoor sleeping bag
driving confidently in Europe with Tripiamo


The article looks GREAT, and thank you. I see my face on the video now.

Featured article on Love Life Abroad
Expert discussion-based videos on YouTube and website

In collaboration with Tripiamo, we wrote a detailed guide to help families feel confident driving in Europe.

We also embedded a unique video when I was chatting with the co-founder of Tripiamo, giving more tips to our audience. It help with engagement on the page and give more credibility to the article.